Signal Helpers


Converts 4 boolean values to a signal.

  • BoolToSignal([ isLong ], [ isShort ], [ isExit ], [ isNone ])

The signal as a result of the boolean values.

Return Type: Enum


Converts the signal if its matches the defined one.

  • ConvertSignal(signal, signalToCovert, convertedSignal)

Returns the original or converted signal depending on the input.

Return Type: Enum


Saves and delays a signal by a number of minutes.

  • DelaySignal(signal, minutes)

Returns the saved signal from a number of minutes back or SignalNone when it doesn't have a delayed signal yet.

Return Type: Enum


Returns a continuous signal when values are above/below of each other.

  • GetAboveBelowSignal(fast, slow)

Returns SignalLong when fast is above slow, SignalShort when fast is below slow and SignalNone will occur if values are exactly the same.

Return Type: Enum


Determines the signal from a result with a buy and sell level.

  • GetBuySellLevelSignal(value, buyLevel, sellLevel)

Returns SignalLong when the result is below the buy level, SignalShort when the result is above the sell level and SignalNone when the result between the buy and sell level.

Return Type: Enum


Counts the number of signals. When the majority agrees it will return the signal.

  • GetConsensusSignal(signals[])

Returns SignalLong, SignalShort, SignalExitPosition or SignalNone when there is a consensus or SignalNone when there is not.

Return Type: Enum


Determines the signal from a result with a crossover or -under level.

  • GetCrossOverUnderSignal(fast, slow)

Returns SignalLong when the a crossover occurs, SignalShort when a crossunder occurs and SignalNone when non one those happened.

Return Type: Enum


Gets the remote signal which is published by SaveRemoteSignal()

  • GetRemoteSignal(id)

Returns a trade signal enumeration. For example SignalLong(), SignalShort(), SignalExitPosition(), SignalNone() or SignalError().

Return Type: Enum


Returns a continuous trade signal with defined signal type and values.

  • GetSuperSignal(indicatorValue, signalValue, signalType, [ centerPosition ], [ buyLevel ], [ sellLevel ])

Returns a signal based on defined 'signalType' (see InputSignalTypes()).

Return Type: Enum


Determines the signal based on a result and a threshold.

  • GetThresholdSignal(value, threshold, [ swing ])

Returns SignalLong when the result is below the threshold and SignalShort when the result is above the threshold.

Return Type: Enum


Validates if all signals are the same.

  • GetUnanimousSignal(signals[])

Returns SignalLong, SignalShort or SignalNone when there is unanimous decision and SignalNone when there is not.

Return Type: Enum


Calculates and determines the weighted consensus signal.

  • GetWeightedConsensusSignal(longWeight, shortWeight, exitWeight, signals[])

Returns SignalLong, SignalShort, SignalExitPosition or SignalNone when there is a consensus or SignalNone when there is not.

Return Type: Enum


Marks the signal to be ignored when it matches a certain signal.

  • IgnoreSignalIf(signal, signalToIgnore)

Returns the original signal.

Return Type: Enum


Converts the signal if its matches the defined one.

  • MapSignal(signal, signalToCovert, convertedSignal)

Returns the original or converted signal depending on the input.

Return Type: Enum


Converts a position value to 3 boolean values.

  • PositionToBool(position)

Three boolean values based on the position input.

Return Type: Dynamic


Reverses a signal from long to short or short to long. SignalNone will be ignored and stay the same.

  • ReverseSignal(signal)

Returns the reversed signal.

Return Type: Enum


Maps a signal value to their defined specifications.

  • SignalMapper(signal, [ reverse ], [ mapLongTo ], [ mapShortTo ], [ mapExitTo ], [ mapNoneTo ])

The mapped signal.

Return Type: Enum


Sets properties such as weight or ignore in the signal input.

  • SignalProperties(signal, [ useLong ], [ useShort ], [ useExit ], [ weight ], [ delay ])

Returns the signal with the new specifications.

Return Type: Enum


Converts a signal value to 4 boolean values.

  • SignalToBool(signal)

Four boolean values based on the signal input.

Return Type: Dynamic


Logs the given signals.

  • SignalToLog(signals)

Return Type: Void


Add a weight to the signal. Can be used in combination with GetWeightedConsensusSignal().

  • SignalWeight(signal, weight)

Returns the original signal with a weight mark.

Return Type: Enum


Marks the signal to be used when its matches a certain signal.

  • UseSignalIf(signal, signalToUse)

Returns the original signal.

Return Type: Enum

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