Variables in HaasScript can be defined as either global or local. The difference between these two is that the other is accessible globally and the other is not:
-- This is a global variable (accessible globally)myVariable =1-- This is a local variable (accessible locally)local myVariable =1
This means, that any variables defined as global will be visible everywhere in the script's scope, whereas the variables defined as local are only visible inside the scope they were first defined in but also in their sub-scopes.
To give you an example what a scope is in HaasScript, here's a script with an if-statement and a function:
-- We are inside the script's scope.-- Variables defined here, either global or local,-- are visible in sub-scopes within this script.if something then-- We are now inside the scope of an if-statement.-- Local variables defined here are not visible outside.endlocalsomeFunction=function()-- We are now inside the scope of a function.-- Local variables defined here are not visible outside.end
Inside if-statements
if something then-- a global variable thisIsGlobal =5-- a local variablelocal thisIsLocal =5*2endLog(thisIsGlobal) -- Outputs 5Log(thisIsLocal) -- ERROR: Unknown references: thisIsLocal
Inside functions
localmyFunction=function(value)-- a global variable thisIsGlobal = value-- a local variablelocal thisIsLocal = value *2end-- Call the functionmyFunction(5)Log(thisIsGlobal) -- Outputs 5Log(thisIsLocal) -- ERROR: Unknown references: thisIsLocal
Conflicting variables
Example of bad practice:
text ="Awesome text!"localchangeText=function(value) text = valueendchangeText("..not anymore!")Log(text) -- Outputs '..not anymore!'
Example of good practice:
local text ="Awesome text!"localchangeText=function(value)-- 'text' is visible within this sub-scope, even when defined as local Log(text) -- Outputs 'Awesome text!'-- Local 'text' variable for this sub-scopelocal text = valueendchangeText("..not anymore?")Log(text) -- Outputs 'Awesome text!'
Overwriting variables in a function:
local text ="Awesome text!"localchangeText=function(text)-- The input parameter 'text' will be-- hiding the locally defined 'text',-- so this Log() prints what-- ever the input is. Log(text)endchangeText("..not anymore?") -- Outputs '..not anymore?'Log(text) -- Outputs 'Awesome text!'
if condition thenendif condition ==truethenendif condition ==falsethenendifnot condition thenend
If & Else
if condition1 thenelseend
If & ElseIf
if condition1 thenelseif condition2 thenend
If (One-liner)
local value = condition and value_if_true or value_if_false
local condition =truelocal text = condition and"Condition is true." or"Condition is false."Log(text) -- Outputs: Condition is true.
local variableLog( variable and'variable is not nil' or'variable is nil')-- Output: variable is nillocal variable =nilLog( variable and'variable is not nil' or'variable is nil')-- Output: variable is nillocal variable =0Log( variable and'variable is not nil' or'variable is nil')-- Output: variable is not nillocal variable =''Log( variable and'variable is not nil' or'variable is nil')-- Output: variable is not nillocal variable =falseLog( variable and'variable is true' or'variable false')-- Output: variable is falselocal variable =trueLog( variable and'variable is true' or'variable false')-- Output: variable is true
Lua's index is based on 1. You can use 0 as index in Lua, but HaasScript will throw you an error for it.
This restriction is implemented to break any confusions.
prices = ClosePrices()price = prices[1] -- First price value in 'prices'
Accessing object fields
object = { keyA ='valueA', keyB ='valueB'}Log(object.keyA) -- Outputs 'valueA'Log(object.keyB) -- Outputs 'valueB'Log(object.keyC) -- Outputs 'nil' (doesn't exist)-- You can create new fields in objects-- by assigning a value into them.object.keyC ='valueC'Log(object.keyC) -- Outputs 'valueC'
For loop
All the for loops are based on a default structure. The init and max/min value are always required and the increment is optional (default +1)
for init, max/min value, [increment] do-- Do somethingend
Forward loop
Using # with the array variable will return the array size. This way we can easily loop over each value.
closePrices = ClosePrices()for i =1, #closePrices do Log(closePrices[i])end
Backwards loop
For the backwards loop we swap start and end value and set the increment to -1.
closePrices = ClosePrices()for i =#closePrices, 1, -1do Log(closePrices[i])end
HaasScript supports single- and multi-line comments.
-- Single-line commentif commentingIsCool ==truethen--[[ Multi-line comment, that can continue through multiple lines and stop suddenly]] but ="allows code to continue"end--[[This also works.--]]--[===[And this.--]===]--[=[This doesn't--]==]
Arrays are ordered arrangements of objects, which may be a one-dimensional array containing a collection of rows or a multi-dimensional array containing multiple rows and columns.
In HaasScript, arrays are implemented using indexing tables with integers. The size of an array is not fixed and it can grow based on your requirements, subject to memory constraints.
HaasScript also offers an alternative way for creating and manipulating arrays.
A one-dimensional array can be represented using a simple table structure and can be initialized and read using a simple for loop. An example is shown below.
array = {"HaasScript", "Tutorial"}for i =0, 2do Log(array[i])end
When we run the above code, we will get the following output.
As you can see in the above code, when we are trying to access an element in an index that is not there in the array, it returns nil. In HaasScript, indexing is limited to start at index 1. It is possible to create objects at index 0 and below 0 as well. Array using negative indices is shown below where we initialize the array using a for loop.
array = {}for i=-2, 2do array[i] = i *2endfor i =-2, 2do Log(array[i])end
When we run the above code, we will get the following output.
Multi-Dimensional Array
Multi-dimensional arrays can be implemented in two ways.
Array of arrays
Single dimensional array by manipulating indices
An example for multidimensional array of 3. 3 is shown below using array of arrays.
-- Initializing the arrayarray = {}for i=1,3do array[i] = {}for j=1,3do array[i][j] = i*jendend-- Accessing the arrayfor i=1,3dofor j=1,3do Log(array[i][j])endend
When we run the above code, we will get the following output.
An example for multidimensional array is shown below using manipulating indices.
-- Initializing the arrayarray = {}maxRows =3maxColumns =3for row=1,maxRows dofor col=1,maxColumns do array[row*maxColumns +col] = row*colendend-- Accessing the arrayfor row=1,maxRows dofor col=1,maxColumns do Log(array[row*maxColumns +col])endend
When we run the above code, we will get the following output.
As you can see in the above example, data is stored based on indices. It is possible to place the elements in a sparse way and it is the way Lua implementation of a matrix works. Since it does not store nil values in Lua, it is possible to save lots of memory without any special technique in Lua as compared to special techniques used in other programming languages.