Time Information


Adjusts a Unix timestamp.

  • AdjustTimestamp([ unix ], [ addSeconds ], [ addMinutes ], [ addHours ], [ addDays ], [ addMonths ], [ addYears ])

Returns the new Unix timestamp.

Return Type: Number


Creates a Unix timestamp from the specified value.

  • CreateTimestamp([ year ], [ month ], [ day ], [ hour ], [ minute ], [ second ])

Returns the Unix timestamp.

Return Type: Number


Gets the date of the month of the current time or requested time. Based on UTC.

  • CurrentDate([ unix ])

Returns the date of the month value. A number from 1 to 31.

Return Type: Number


Gets the day of the week of the current time or requested time. Based on UTC.

  • CurrentDay([ unix ])

Returns the day of the week value. A number from 1 to 7, starting on Sunday.

Return Type: Number


Gets the hour the current time or requested time. Based on UTC.

  • CurrentHour([ unix ])

Returns the hour value. A number from 0 to 23.

Return Type: Number


Gets the minute the current time or requested time. Based on UTC.

  • CurrentMinute([ unix ])

Returns the minute value. A number from 0 to 59.

Return Type: Number


Gets the month of the year of the current time or requested time. Based on UTC.

  • CurrentMonth([ unix ])

Returns the month of the year value. A number from 1 to 12.

Return Type: Number


Gets the second the current time or requested time. Based on UTC.

  • CurrentSecond([ unix ])

Returns the second value. A number from 0 to 59.

Return Type: Number


Gets the week of the year of the current time or requested time. Based on UTC.

  • CurrentWeek([ unix ])

Returns the week of the year value. A number from 1 to 53.

Return Type: Number


Gets the year the current time or requested time. Based on UTC.

  • CurrentYear([ unix ])

Returns the year.

Return Type: Number


Calculates the number of minutes before a new candle opens.

  • MinutesTillCandleClose(interval)

Returns the number of minutes before a new candle opens.

Return Type: Number


Gets the current unix timestamp. Based on UTC.

  • Time()

Returns the current unix timestamp.

Return Type: Number

Last updated