Bots Related

All widgets related to bots.


The bot widgets are useful for basic information about your bots. Simply select the type of bot you want to monitor and drag the widget to your dashboard.

Bot Charts

Bot Main Chart

Bot charts provide a more detailed view that may be useful for monitoring your bot(s). You can choose to add a market chart for a bots desired indicator, or safety, and monitor trade signals right from your dashboard.

Indicator Chart

Safety Chart

Advanced Index Bot


This widget will create a pie chart to display the current distribution of your Advanced Index Bot.

Index Profit

The index profit widget displays a table of profit information per index.

Index Orderbook

Displays the orderbook.


Creates a simple table to list your trades of a specific coin.

Crypto Index Bot


This widget will create a pie chart to display the current distribution of your Index Bot.

Index Profit

The index profit widget displays a table of profit information.

Flash Crash Bot Order Book

The flash crash orderbook widget is useful for displaying where your orders are in the orderbook.

Order Bot Order Table

The order bot table widget allows you to monitor your order bots. With this widget, you can keep tabs on your manually entered conditional orders and even add a new order.

Bot Trades

This widget allows you to list the trades for a given bot. Simply drag the widget to your dashboard and a menu will appear allowing you to select which bot you wish to monitor.

Last updated