Trade Settings

Trade Bot Trade Settings

Trade Amount Type

HTS supports 3 types of trade amount options.

  1. The static option uses a fixed amount where the sell amount is adjusted for fees.

  2. All-in uses 99% of the available coins.

  3. With maximum amount the bot will use what’s available in the wallet with a maximum of X coins.

Trade Amount

How much the bot has to trade with.

Actual Trade Amount

The current trade amount after corrections.

Spot Bot

Coin Position

Select the coin where the funds are located at this moment.

Last Buy Price

The last buy price will be used by safeties and insurances such as "Take Profit" or "Overcome fee costs". While the bot is running and executing orders, it will update this price field every times it enters a bought position. Make sure this value is set when activating the bot in a bought position. It will guarantee correct calculations for the safeties and insurances.

Last Sell Price

The last sell price will be used by safeties and insurances such as "Never Buy Higher" or "Overcome fee costs". While the bot is running and executing orders, it will update this price field every time it enters a sold position. Make sure this value is set when activating the bot in a sold position. It will guarantee correct calculations for the safeties and insurances.

Buy Template

Type of buy orders you want this bot to place. Standard limit and market orders are available as well native exchange and custom templates defined in the Order Template Builder.

Sell Template

Type of sell orders you want this bot to place. Standard limit and market orders are available as well native exchange and custom templates defined in the Order Template Builder.

Margin/Leverage Bot

Funds Position

Select the current funds position. No Position is when you do not have any Long or Short Positions. Should be used as the start of any trade bot unless you manually opened a position.

Last Long Price

The last long price will be used by safeties and insurances such as "Close position with X% profit" or "Overcome fee costs". While the bot is running and executing orders, it will update this price field every time it enters a long position. Make sure this value is set when activating the bot in a long position. It will guarantee correct calculations for the safeties and insurances.

Last Short Price

The last short price will be used by safeties and insurances such as "Close position with X% profit" or "Overcome fee costs". While the bot is running and executing orders, it will update this price field every time it enters a short position. Make sure this value is set when activating the bot in a short position. It will guarantee correct calculations for the safeties and insurances.

Enter Template

Type of enter orders you want this bot to place. Standard limit and market orders are available as well native exchange and custom templates defined in the Order Template Builder.

Exit Template

Type of exit orders you want this bot to place. Standard limit and market orders are available as well native exchange and custom templates defined in the Order Template Builder.

Advanced Settings

Use Hidden Orders

When enabled, the bot will try to place the hidden orders if the selected exchange allows this feature. As of now, only Bitfinex and BitMEX support this feature.

Fee Percentage

Fee percentage of the bot. Only used in backtests and for bots running on simulated accounts.

Limit Order Type

This option controls on which price the limit orders are executed. First buy or first sell order.

Order Timeout

The timeout control how long its takes before the order is cancelled. When set on 0 the values from the template are used.

Template Timeout

The timeout control how long its takes before the whole template is cancelled. When set on 0 the values from the template are used.

High Speed Trading

This will enable the indicators to respond to every tick instead of every minute.

Last updated

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