Tradingview alert guide
Setup guide to hookup Tradingview with the Email Bot
TradingView has a great collection of alerts users can utilize. Ranging from simple price alerts to indicator crosses. This guide will show you how to create a price alert and a indicator alert for the bot to act on.
Price alerts
Go to and select the market you wish to trade on (Bitstamp BTC/USD for example)..
Click on alert in the header. A new popup will show with the configuration settings.
In the Condition section, change “Crossing” to “Crossing up” and change the value to the price on which the alert should fire. $10.000 for example.
Make sure “Send Email” is enabled.
Change the message to something unique.
for example and hit save. When the price break 10.000 USD, Tradingview will send you a email with this a subject: TradingView Alert:BOT_1_BUY_BTC
Go to the Email bot in HTS and add an action. Select the action you want to perform once the price reached 10.000 USD (buy for example). In the message section add the subject defined in 5.
Save the action and start the bot.
The bot will wait for an email to be received where the subject matched the one we have defined. Once that email is received the bot will place a buy order at the current price.
Indicator alerts
Go to and select the market you wish to trade on (Bitstamp BTC/USD for example).
Click on “Indicator” in the header and add an indicator (MA for example). Modify the indicator settings if needed.
Click on alert in the header. A new popup will show with the configuration settings.
In the Condition section, change “Crossing” to “Crossing up” and select the indicator in the “Value” dropdown.
Make sure “Send Email” is enabled.
Change the message to something unique.
for example and hit save. When the MA crossed over, Tradingview will send you an email with this a subject: TradingView Alert:BOT_1_MA_UP_BTC
Add a second alert, but change “Crossing” to “Crossing down”. Make sure the message is unique again.
for example.Go to the Email bot in HTS and add an action. Select the action you want to perform once the MA has crossed over (buy for example). In the message section, add the subject defined in 5.
Save the action and add a second action to sell once the MA has crossed down.
Start the bot.
The bot will wait for an email to be received where the subject matched the one we have defined. Once that email is received the bot will place a buy or sell order at the current price depending on the coin position of the bot and the email received.
Last updated
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