Stable Release

3.3.48 - November 22nd, 2022


[Framework] Poloniex API upgrade

[Framework] Bittrex trade history fix

[Framework] Coinbase API changes implemented for market list

[Interface] Display for Binance Alpaca markets fixed

3.3.46 - July 4th, 2022


[Framework] BitMEX USDT markets supported

[Framework] Bitfinex order verification improved

[Framework] Bybit - Improved order placing logic to prevent leverage errors

[Framework] FTX - Sub accounts enabled

[Framework] Kraken Futures multi-collateral markets removed

[Framework] Telegram - Solved issues with connection to new bots

3.3.44 - March 24th, 2022


[Framework] Bybit USDT Perpetual - Set margin/leverage fix.

[Framework] Bybit Inverse Perpetual - Cancel order fix.

[Framework] Gemini - Price & amount decimals fix. [Interface] XSS protection expanded.

[Framework] KrakenFutures order parsing improved

[Framework] Bittrex - Price & amount decimals improved

[Framework] Kucoin - API driver updates

[Framework] - API driver updates

[Framework] OKEX SSL/TSL error solved

[Framework] OKEX - API changes implemented

[Framework] OKEX Futures - Order placing in one way mode fixed

[Framework] OKEX Swap - Order placing in one way mode fixed

3.3.39 - November 8th, 2021


[Framework] Haas Labs - Scripts can now use custom score system in Intelligent Tuner

Example: CustomReport('score', myCustomFitnessScore, 'labs')

[Framework] HaasScript - New command to DisableIndicatorContainerLogs()

[Framework] HaasScript - Enable custom colors for Log()

[Framework] HaasScript - Added IsEnterpriseVersion() command

[Framework] HaasScript - Added Source Price commands

  • InputSourcePrice()

  • SourcePrices()

[Framework] HaasScript - Added Source Price enums

  • OpenPriceSource

  • HighPriceSource

  • LowPriceSource

  • ClosePriceSource

  • HLPriceSource

  • HLCPriceSource

  • OHLCPriceSource

  • VolumeSource


[Framework] HaasScript - Parse(array, StringType) now converts array elements into strings

[Framework] OKEX API v5 implemented. New API keys required.

  • Your wallet on OKEX is shared on Spot, Futures & Swap. We cannot merge the 3 supported drivers. Users are still required to make 3 separate accounts for the 3 drivers. If the user does this with API keys of a single account, the combined portfolio balance will be incorrect. Users will need to make subaccounts to prevent this.

  • OKEX allows for multiple positions with different margin modes. You can open an isolated position and open a cross position on the same market, direction & leverage. You cant change margin mode like on Binance or BitMEX. This means users need to manually (or in the script) close their positions before selecting a different margin mode. Only selecting a different mode does not close or change the mode of existing positions.

  • Your account mode on OKEX needs to be on single or multi-currency margin mode.

[Framework] Haas Labs concurrent backtest limit increased from 50 to 250.

[Framework] Kucoin API v2 implemented - New API keys required.

[Framework] HaasScript - Revised formatting for logging arrays/tables/HNC

3.3.34 - April 20th, 2021


[Framework] HaasScript - AmountStep() command

[Framework] HaasScript - PriceStep() command

[Framework] HaasScript - GetOrderType() command

[Framework] HaasScript - GetHaasScriptVersion() command


[Framework] Binance minimum trade volume read from API

[Framework] HaasScript - Commands GetPositionEnterPrice & AverageEnterPrice can output open entry price


[Framework] Unable to create command scripts.

[Framework] ZoneRecovery backtest between 2 timeframes bug fixed

[Framework] Gemini driver protocol updated

[Framework] Kucoin patched to support 0% fee as well

[Framework] Deribit position margin improved

[Framework] Correct name when cloning Order Bot & Trend Lines Bot

[Framework] Binance API showing under Margin drivers

[Framework] FTX API keys with read-only rights handled

[Interface] Advanced orders add menu CSS fix.

[Framework] Unannounced Bybit API changes implemented for wallet balance

[Interface] CSS issues after Chrome(-like) browser update.

[Framework] Binance minimum trade volume read from API

[Framework] Visual script backup file compression changed (part 1 of 2)

[Framework] Bybit USDT Perpetual leverage on cross.

[Framework] Bybit Inverse Perpetual - Updated error codes that blocked placing orders

[Framework] HaasScript - Fixed Delta/PercentageChange command

[Framework] Binance USDT Futures duplicate BTC & ETH market solved.

3.3.28 - February 2nd, 2021


[Framework] Bybit USDT Perpetual support

[Framework] HaasScript - GetTimer command

[Framework] HaasScript - Choppiness Index Indicator

[Framework] HaasScript - GetTradingReport command (returns values listed below)

[Framework] HaasScript - Backtest Performance Statistics

- Max DrawDown

- Sharpe Ratio

- Sortino Ratio

- Win %

- Profit Ratio

- Profit Factor

- CPC Index

- Tail Ratio

- Common Sense Ratio

- Outlier Win & Loss Ratios


[Framework] Bybit renamed to Bybit Inverse Perpetual

[Framework] CEX.IO decimals made API based

[Framework] Mono startup error when not using the recommended version (>= 5.14.x and <= 6.8.x)

[Framework] Order verification improved for all Binance API's.

[Exchanges] FTX Token markets removed

[Exchanges] FTX Referane code fixed

[Exchanges] CEX.IO new decimals setup


[Framework] Kucoin BSV markets

[Framework] Binance COIN Futures API fix

[Framework] Bybit trading API

[Framework] Bybit leverage adjusted

[Framework] Bitfinex markets restored

[Framework] Coinbase Pro error on NU markets

[Framework] Failing to load history for backtests on Mono

[Framework] HaasScript - Faulty backtest statistics fixed

[Framework] Bitfinex missing markets fixed

[Framework] HaasScript - Reloading VE scripts fixed

[Framework] HaasScript - ParseJson output object to contain keys

[Framework] HaasScript - SignalReservedA/B fix

[Framework] HaasScript - SignalExitLong/Short fix

3.3.23 - October 25th, 2020


[Framework] Binance COIN Futures API support

[Framework] Warning added for 50+ bots

[Framework] Support for developer (backtest) license added

[Framework] HaasScript support for fetching (demo) cloud signals added

[Framework] HaasScript - StartTimer & StopTimer commands

[Framework] HaasScript - Fixed Finalize command for VE


[Framework] Binance Futures renamed to Binance USDT Futures

[Framework] Coinbase Pro amount decimals updated

[Framework] New cloud and price socket endpoints setup

3.3.20 - August 3rd, 2020


[Framework] FTX API support (spot)

[Framework] HaasScript - Backup files added

[Framework] HaasScript - GetCommand, gets a command handler by name, can be custom command or HS built-in

[Framework] HaasScript - ArrayFilterType enumerations (see ArrayFind and ArrayFilter)

[Framework] HaasScript - ArrayFind, returns a list of indices that match the value

[Framework] HaasScript - ArrayRemove, removes an element, pointed by an index

[Framework] HaasScript - CloseVPosition, closes a virtual position using a simulated order

[Framework] HaasScript - AdjustVPosition, add/reduce a virtual position using a simulated order

[Framework] HaasScript - Support for native order templates on leverage exchanges

- Binance Futures

- Stop loss limit & market

- Take profit limit & market

- BitMEX

- Stop loss limit & market

- Take profit limit & market

- Trailing stop limit & market

- Deribit

- Stop limit

- Stop market

- Kraken Futures

- Stop loss limit & market

- Take profit limit & market


[Framework] Price socket and tracking offloaded to cloud

[Framework] Newsfeed tracking offloaded to cloud

[Framework] Scripted driver high-speed data flow enabled

3.3.16 -June 12th, 2020


[Framework] Binance Futures hedge mode supported.

  • Switching your account(s) to HEDGE mode is done through the Binance Futures UI. The setting is located in the account preferences. Only visible on their new website for future trading. Switching a simulated account running on Binance Futures to HEDGE is not possible. Using HaasScript in combination with your Binance Futures account in HEDGE mode will not result in issues.


[Framework] OKEX-Futures Bi-quarterly markets support.

[Framework] Market cap/volume templates enabled again for the Advanced Index Bot

[Framework] Kraken Futures minimum trade amount adjusted to exchange specifications.

  • The exchange has a limit of 10 orders with an amount below 100 contracts. Orders placed afterward will be blocked by the Kraken Futures trading engine. Haasonline does not enforce this rule in their simulated account.

3.3.12 - March 27th, 2020


[Framework] Binance Futures Cross-margin support.

[Framework] HaasScript - ParseCSV command.

[Framework] HaasScript - ParseJSON command.

[Interface] HaasBots - Position identifier column for position tables.


[Framework] OKEX Swap profit calculation improved for USDT markets.

[Framework] Mono stability improved

3.3.9 - January 13th, 2020


[Framework] HaasLabs - Your personal backtest center for HaasScripts.

[Framework] Parse() command for HaasScript.

[Framework] HaasBot Discord & Telegram notifications

- Activation

- Order execution

- Safety order execution

- Closed positions

[Framework] ByBit API Support.

[Framework] Bitpanda API Support.


[Framework] HaasBot updates 5 seconds after a completed order if high speeds is enabled.

3.3.4 - October 29th, 2019


[Framework] Upgraded HaasScript

[Framework] Enhanced version of the Script Editor.

[Framework] New Visual Editor powered by HaasScript.

[Framework] Custom, reusable, commands for in the Script & Visual Editor.

[Framework] HaasBots. The bot for your custom scripts.

[Framework] HaasScript

- 4 new command available. SignalsToLog, PositionToBool, LastLongProfit & LastShortProfit.

- Delay parameter added to the SignalProperties command.

- MapNoneTo parameter added to the SignalMapper command.

- Bug: EasySAR plotting circles instead of lines.

[Framework] Visual Editor

- Continuation connector for commands with void as return type. Available in the context menu.

- 2 new interactive guides: Flow Control & Working with signals.

- Interactive guides can step back now.

- Internal clipboard added. Hold up to 10 copied selections.

- Paste is available in the context menu of the background.

- Ctrl/Cmd + V paste the last copy to the last mouse click position.

- Collapse groups of settings in the menu.

- Command search improved. GPA will suggest GetPositionAmount.

- Bug: Comma doesn't work as decimal separator.

- Bug: Main context menu not opening.

- Bug: Opacity parameter not working like intended on colors.

[Interface] HaasBots

- Collapse groups of settings in the menu.

- Exposed bots in Discord and Telegram.

- Collapse groups of settings.

- Script error icon added.

- Save button will always be in view.

[Interface] Script Editor

- Intelli-Sense improved. GPA will suggest GetPositionAmount.

- Collapse groups of settings in the menu.

- Bug: Errors on empty rows after copy-pasting ffrom certain sources.

[Framework] HaasScript Chart

- Rendering speed optimized for Chrome, Firefox, and Edge among others.

- Ability to zoom out a lot further on the chart.

[Interface] Multiple memory leaks found and patched.

[Framework] Bittrex API V3. (Old API keys are still working)

[Framework] Binance Futures API Support

Note: API Keys before the launch are not compatible with Futures. Keys made after the launch are, after enabeling futures on

[Framework] API Support

[Framework] HaasScript - Candle Up/Down patterns.

[Framework] HaasScript Commands

- InputSignalManagement()

- IsPositionClosed()

- Not() / NotEquals()


[Framework] Trade Bots using HaasScript safeties/indicators/insurances will no longer work.

[Framework] Simulated accounts on margin/leverage can no longer have both a long and short position open at the same time. Only OKEX-Futures is allowed to have 2 positions.

[Framework] IScriptMarket requires an UnderlyingCurrency property. This is, for example, XBT on BitMEX, BTC or ETH in Deribit and BTC on Bitfinex.

[Framework] Kucoin trade history endpoint switch.

[Framework] HaasScript - Table input improvements.

[Framework] NovaExchange no longer supported.

3.2.33 - August 7th, 2019


[Framework] All Bitfinex Margin markets are tradable now, no more limitations.


[Interface] Settings Page - Bitfinex margin tab removed.

[Interface] Dashboard - Removed Deribit & KrakenFutures account options.

[Framework] Bitstamp Websocket v2


[Interface] Supressed decimal warning when another popup is open.

[Interface] Settings Page - Bitfinex margin tab removed.

[Interface] Dashboard - Removed Deribit & KrakenFutures account options.

[Framework] KuCoin API upgraded to TLS 1.2

[Framework] Gemini market details updated.

[Framework] Bitfinex markets sorted.

[Framework] Kraken Futures - API changed implemented that blocked order verification.

3.2.29 - July 17th, 2019


[Framework] Deribit API v2 implemented.

  • Same API keys are working.

  • The contract value of BTC markets changed from 10 to 1.

  • Bots trade amount are adjusted automatically.

[Framework] Market Making Bot - Enter and exit timeouts separated.

[Framework] Market Making Bot - Stop loss cooldown added.

[Framework] InterExchange Arbitrage Bot - Custom fee percentages for backtests.

‌[Interface] Warning added for exchanges and market with more than 8 price decimal places. Can be disabled in the settings page.


‌[Framework] External Wallet - EOS temporarily disabled.

[Framework] Roof-in Traling - Parameter tooltip text.

[Framework] Dropped support for CobinHood & CCEX.

‌[Interface] Trade Bot - Roof in signal mapping.

[Framework] Binance API - Lowered the minimum order size in the BTC trading market to 0.0001 BTC

3.2.25 - May 21st, 2018


[Framework] Kraken Futures API implementation

[Framework] OKCoin Com API - Upgrade to v3. 20 new markets. New API keys required.

[Framework] Orderbot - Remembers open orders after restart. Needs one last manually adjustment.


[Framework] Poloniex API - TSL1.2 upgrade.

3.2.22 - March 25th, 2018


[Framework] LocalAPI - Consensus weight support.

[Framework] Deribit - ETH Perpetual supported.

[Framework] OKEX Spot API V3 implementation. New API keys required.

[Framework] OKEX Swap API implementation.

[Framework] Kucoin API v2 implementation. New API keys required.

  • No trade history data available through the API from before the exchange update. In order to preserve portfolio data, do not create a new account in HTS, but utilize the change keys functionality.

[Framework] Haasonline Websocket Drivers connected for BitMEX and Bitfinex - No public API calls are made. Giving more room to private endpoints. Less likely to get banned. - Faster price, orderbook and trades update. - Less load on the local server & exchange.

[Framework] Trade Bot

  • Stop Loss (Trailing) - Advanced licence only - Not chartable.

  • Roof-In (Trailing) - Advanced licence only - Not chartable.

[Framework] Trade Bot - Indicators

  • Indicator weight feature when consensus mode is enabled. The indicator weight allows for more flexibility on the signal thresholds. For example, it makes it possible to enter on 7 indicators and exit on 3. The weight is defined per indicator and the total weight threshold are located in the Generals Settings tab.

  • Master indicator settings removed. Its replaced by the weight feature. The crown icon will stay visible for 1 version as a reference when adjusting too the indicator weights. It doesn’t have any other effects.

  • Use long & short signals text replaced with Use buy & sell signal. The old labels were misleading due to the fact that the signals are disabled before they are mapped to a leverage signal.

[Interface] Trade Bot Chart Update

  • Buy/Sell signals removed from top of the chart.

  • Indicator Agreement Index chart added

  • Indicator Heat Map chart added

  • Indicator Signal chart added

  • Trade annotations in chart added. Hover for more info.

  • Safety order signal on top of the chart

  • Customizable chart settings saved per bot;

  • Interval (up to 30 minutes)

  • Chart style

  • Show volume

  • Show indicator agreement index

  • Show indicator heatmap

  • Show indicator signal chart

[Framework] Advanced Index Bot - Flash Mode.

  • Uses a fixed order size in the base coin amount

  • Does not act as a index.

  • No maximum amount. Keep trading until it cant buy or sell more.

[Framework] OKEX Futures API v3 implemented in preparation of perpetual swap markets. New API keys required.

[Framework] External Wallets - Added BNK, DEB, DGB, DENT, PAX, PLR & REQ

[Interface] Header Widgets - Open Positions shows price ratio.

[Framework] Trade Bot

  • Indicators: Candlestick revision. All patterns will create valid signals. Removed 4 patterns. HikkakeMod, KickingByLength, Piercing & Takuri.

  • Safeties: New! Roof-In (Acts as a reversed stop loss).

  • Safeties: Wizard for helping selecting the correct safety for your trade bot.

  • Insurances: Wizard for helping selecting the correct insurance for your trade bot.

  • Insurances: Absolute Percentage Change improved.

  • Insurances: Price Percentage Change improved.

  • Ability to (temporarily) disable/pause specific safeties, indicators and insurances.

  • Trade amount wizard for helping selecting the correct parameters.

  • Current Position P/L not showing the correct value.

  • Add indicator, safety and insurance popup restyled. More categories and favorite list added.

[Framework] Bots

  • Profit and fees from bots on leverage will be shown in the currency where they are made.

  • Position liquidation included in leverage backtests.

  • Automatic reload of the scripts dropdowns.

  • Funding rate instead of settlement date shown for perpetual markets. (Updates every 15 minutes)

  • ROI per trade in bot trade popup

[Framework] Market Making Bot

  • Margin support

  • Leverage support

  • Unlimited number of slots per bot.

  • Order size, price offset, reset time & stop loss per slot.

  • Native exchange order support. Useful for market or cancel order types to avoid (higher) fees.

[Framework] Intelli Alice

  • Take Profit

  • Sop Loss

[Framework] MadHatter Bot - Options to select a price based stop loss for margin/leverage trading.

[Framework] Email Bot - Options to select a price based stop loss for margin/leverage trading.

Framework] Script Bot

  • API expansion

  • More intelligent and faster backtests.

[Framework] Bot Extension - Order Persistence - Timeout between retries & max price change from original execution price.

[Framework] Trade Now - Execute advanced order types from the widget. An advanced orders will automatically be created.

[Framework] Portfolio

  • BitMEX supported.

  • Deribit supported.

  • Position profit history

[Framework] Cobinhood API integration.


[Framework] Zone Recovery Bots - Deribit ETH improvements.

[Framework] Improvements for idle BitMEX & Bitfinex feeds.

[Interface] Order Bot - Dragging lines of open order replaces the order on the exchange.

[Framework] OKEX Spot - Unexpected API changes implemented.

[Framework] OKEX Swap - API improvements.

[Framework] Trade Bot - Backtest of Close position safeties improved.

[Framework] Accumulation Bot - Auto activate on restart.

[Interface] Portfolio - Deribit temporary disabled due to new market. Will be enabled next update.

[Framework] HitBTC API improvements.

[Framework] BitMEX leverage options expanded. [Framework] Trade Bot - BBands %W buy and sell thresholds added.

[Framework] Trade Bot - Deactivation safeties are now backtestable.

[Framework] Flash Crash Bot - Auto activate after restart if enabled in main settings. One last manual quick start required.

[Interface] Bot Completed Trades - 250 trades limit removed in the UI.

[Interface] Bot Performance Analyzer - Jump to date temporarily disabled.

[Framework] Improvements in price tracking & history syncing.

[Framework] Faster load time after login

[Framework] Faster backtest result response for MHB and Trade Bots.

[Framework] Stability improvements for the UI websocket.

[Framework] Market Making Bot - Target prices update for deactivated bots after saving.

[Framework] Flash Crash Bot - Orders in a backtest will be considered completed when the price is breached instead reached.

[Framework] Flash Crash Bot - Better orderbook building for coin with a price below 100 satoshis.

[Framework] Inter-Exchange Arbitrage Bot - No timeout limit order added.

[Framework] Scripted Driver - Interface of IScriptedPosition changed.

[Framework] Market Making Bot

  • "Requires spot account" placeholder removed.

  • Table sorting will be remembered after a save action.

[Framework] Trade Bot - Safeties renamed for consistency.

[Framework] Flash Crash Bot - Move in/out market feature split in move in and move out.

[Interface] Dashboard - Personal trade history widgets implement the new sortable tables.

[Framework] Wex support removed

3.2.11 - November 21st, 2018


[Framework] Ionomy API integration

[Framwork] Deribit - Native "Post only" supported.

[Framework] Advanced Index Bot

  • Full screen mode

  • Detailed information

  • Rebalance interval

  • Index based on market cap.

  • Index based on total USD volume.

  • Preserve base index.

  • Trailing Stop

  • 3rd Rebalance options - Spider Mode. Combines the power the index bot with the Market Making and Flash Crash Bot.

[Framework] Crypto Index Bot

  • New profit calculation. More balanced and detailed.

  • Expanded profit per index details inside the Bot Performance Analyzer

[Framework] Dashboard

  • Crypto Index Bot - Profit per index table

  • Basic price chart - Plot open orders feature.

[Framework] Bot Extensions

  • Order Persistence extension.

  • Deactivation of the extension is now optional.

  • Ability to move funds while activating/deactivating the bots.

[Framework] Order Bot

  • Draggable popup for pre-orders.

  • Maximum sell price and minimum buy price added for template injection.

[Framework] Trade Bot

  • Take profit safety (spot only).

  • Take loss safety (spot only).

  • Market information (fee, decimals, min. amount & min. volume)

[Framework] Custom Bots

  • Email Bot - Order template per action.

  • Email Bot - Stop loss order template.

  • MadHatter Bot - Margin & leverage supported.

  • Order Bot - Margin & leverage supported.

  • Trend Lines Bot - Short stop loss supported

  • All-in & Max Trade Amount options added for Email, Alice, MadHatter, Ping Pong, Scalper & TrendLines Bots.

  • Switch position with order option added for Email, Alice, MadHatter, Ping Pong, Scalper & TrendLines Bots when active.

  • Market information (fee, amount decimals, min. amount & min. volume)

  • Wallet information

[Framework] Bot Extension

  • Activate or deactivate bots on indicator signals.

  • Disable trade bot after specific safety has triggered.

  • Panic Extension - Move funds from bots to a certain position

[Framework] Bot Performance Analyzer

  • Page settings saved between sessions.

  • Exportable "Results per currency" table for index bots.

[Framework] Advanced Orders

  • Market information (fee, decimals, min. amount & min. volume)

  • Wallet information

[Framework] Portfolio

  • Page settings saved between sessions.

  • Tab-based layout and more responsive.

  • Export to CSV for all tables.

  • Assets trend information

  • Trade volume per market table

  • Balance per day report

  • Balance change per day chart

[Framework] Dashboard Widgets

  • Portfolio assets trend information

  • Portfolio balance per day report

  • Portfolio balance change per day chart

  • Portfolio trade volume per market table

  • Bot List Widget

[Framework] Trade Bot - Candle Pattern supported for margin & leverage.

[Interface] Dashboard Widgets

  • Bot Trades

  • Advanced Index Bot - Distribution

  • Advanced Index Bot - Orderbook

  • Advanced Index Bot - Profit Table

  • Advanced Index Bot - Trades per coin

[Interface] Bots - Current position P/L added below the ROI.

[Interface] Trade & Custom Bots - Tooltip information for every single input field.

[Interface] Bot List

  • Sortable & exportable tables.

  • Simple and Detailed overview.

  • Simple overview grouped on bot type, group or a single list.

  • Filter on activation status, ROI, account & group.

  • Mass bot modifications. Activate, deactivate, set group, clear & delete.

  • Bot errors added.

  • Bot last trade timestamp added.

[Interface] Market View

  • Autocomplete search for markets.

  • Favourite markets menu

[Interface] Platform Information

  • Minimum trade amount & volume per market

  • Sortable tables

  • Advised VPS location

[Interface] External Wallet

  • Sortable table

[Interface] UI

  • Favourite markets in market dropdowns.

  • A sticky search field in dropdowns.


[Framework] Maximum trade amount available for all licence types.

[Framework] Market Making Bot - More intelligent backtest.

[Framework] Market Making Bot - Cannot update due to open order messages removed from log.

[Framework] Market Making Bot - Reset timeout countdown added in the logs.

[Framework] Flash Crash Bot - Backtest speed improvement.

[Framework] MadHatter Bot - Backtest speed improvement.

[Framework] KuCoin faster order verification.

[Framework] Trade Bots - Take profit enabled for margin & leverage.

[Framework] Trade Bots - Take loss enabled for margin & leverage.

[Framework] Dashboard

  • Scaling order widget enabled.

  • Trade & custom bot widgets small update.

    • Total fee cost removed.

    • ROI added.

    • Icons aligned

    • Order amounts capped on 4 decimals. Full amount in the tooltip. Order amount below 0.0001 will be rounded to 0.0001.

[Framework] OKEX Spot - Fee raised to 0.15%.

[Framework] Bot backtests start on default in a sold/no position.

[Framework] Faster load time for portfolio dashboard widgets.

[Framework] Market Making Bot - Don't read own orders as first in the order book.

[Framework] Coinbase Pro - Fee adjusted

[Framework] Coinbase Pro - API changes implemented.

[Framework] Bots - Fee costs for opening positions.

[Framework] Trade Bots - Faster backtest for margin/leverage bots.

[Framework] Advanced Orders - Wallet check before placing orders.

[Interface] Advanced Index Bot dashboard widget enabled.

[Interface] Bot log book - Severity and text color highlights added for warnings and errors.

[Interface] Flash Crash Bot - Pressing the backtest button in full screen mode will open the bot remote.

[Interface] MadHatter Bot - Pressing the backtest button in full screen mode will open the bot remote.

[Interface] Trend Lines Bot - Pressing the backtest button in full screen mode will open the bot remote.

[Interface] Trade Bots - Tooltip with additional information added for every input field.

[Interface] Custom Bots - More responsive layout.

[Interface] Crypto Index Bot - Sortable, responsive table.

[Interface] Email Bot - Sortable, responsive table.

[Interface] Order Bot - Sortable, responsive table.

[Interface] Dashboard - Sortable tables for bulk information widgets.

[Interface] Bot Manager widget deprecated.

[Interface] Orderbook page deprecated.

[Interface] Open orders & position page deprecated.


[Framework] Fee cost in backtests on some bots.

[Framework] Local API - API request duration.

[Framework] Threads optimization for out of memory crashes.

[Framework] Market Making Bot - Fee costs fix.

[Framework] BitMEX API changes implemented

[Framework] OKEX websocket temporary disabled.

[Framework] OKEX-Futures websocket temporary disabled.

[Framework] GDAX price & amount decimals for ZRX markets.

[Framework] Market Making Bot - Not placing orders after activation.

[Framework] Bitfinex Margin - Wallet information.

[Framework] Deribit - Profit loss ratio.

[Framework] Crypto Index Bot - Spamming orders when there are not enough funds to buy more.

[Framework] Trailing Stop extension - Not correctly triggering for bots in a long position

[Framework] UI not loading after login.

[Framework] MadHatter Bot - Ignore max loss when set on 0.

[Framework] Email Bot - Removing a duplicate message on a second line.

[Framework] Trade Bot - Master indicator signals.

[Framework] Script Bot - Set Parameters.

[Framework] Crypto Index Bot - Better handling of partially filled orders.

[Framework] Crypto Index Bot - Amount precision error for KuCoin.

[Framework] Deribit - Fee percentage for Perpetuals.

[Framework] BitMEX - Maximum position amount, fees & high value wallet error.

[Framework] OKEX-Futures - Fees.

[Framework] Bots - Registered order amount for BitMEX.

[Framework] Bot Extension Trailing Stop - Deactivating bot after stop has been executed.

[Framework] Bot Extension Take Profit - Reversed log message when price is above or below trigger price.

[Framework] Market Making Bot - Startup error.

[Framework] Bots - Fee costs in bot trades for simulated accounts when using custom fee percentage.

[Framework] BitMEX - Trade amount error for ETH/USD Swap

[Framework] BitMEX - Trade amount error for cross-margin

[Framework] Deribit - Trade amount error for cross-margin

[Framework] Trade Bot - Candlestick Indicator with a delay.

[Framework] Trade Bot - Indicator chart flat lines.

[Framework] Market Making Bot - Stuck/Not updating.

[Framework] Bot Extensions - Trailing Stop triggering an exit short directly and multiple times.

[Framework] Bot Groups - Cloned bot not showing.

[Interface] Bot Extensions - Trailing stop not opening or adding bots in the UI.

[Interface] Orderbot - Dragging chart opens order popup.

[Interface] Advanced Orders - Log book.

[Interface] Bot Extensions - Log book.

[Interface] Loading dashboard

[Interface] Advanced Index Bot - Wiki links from full screen.

[Interface] Crypto Index Bot - Export functionality.

[Interface] Bots - Strange looking bot log after restart.

[Interface] Trade Bots - Use sell signal text

[Interface] Dashboard - Bot widget showing leverage position instead of spot.

[Interface] Saving of Bitfinex margin trade markets

[Interface] Dashboard Scaling Orders - Saving input fields.

[Interface] Flash Crash Bot - Full screen mode not showing correct data/chart.

[Interface] Bot Performance - Unable to change chart interval.

[Interface] Market Making Bot - Not showing trade amount error

[Interface] Bot Extensions - Logbook not updating.

[Interface] Bot Performance Analyzer - Multi indicator chart not loading.

[Interface] Advanced Orders - Wrong order template selected when opened.

3.2.0 - August 9th, 2018


[Framework] Beginner licence - 10 active bots.

[Framework] Simple licence - 20 active bots.

[Framework] Beginner licence - Trade & Advanced orders Local API excluded.


[Framework] BitMEX - Fee percentage

[Framework] Bitfinex Margin - Fee costs for non USD markets.

[Framework] Coinbase Pro - Above 100 open orders.

[Framework] Crypto Index Bot - Outdated wallet block on simulated accounts.

[Framework] Crypto Index Bot - Replacing stop loss order after cancellation.

[Framework] Flash Crash Bot - Placing order at 0 price.

Last updated

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