Create your custom dashboard with information about your portfolio.
Account Statistics
Displays some basic account statistics.
Account Balance Chart
Displays a simple line graph of your account (or wallet) balance over time.
Account Distribution
The distribution widget will display a pie chart of Wallet funds.
Balance per Day
Balance Chart
Displays a simple line graph showing your balance over time.
Balance Table
A table view is also available if the line graph doesn't suit your needs.
Asset Information
Provides a table view of your assets with useful information such as current price, Profit/Loss, etc.
Asset Location
The asset location view is meant to give some basic information about your assets. The "In Order" column will display the amount that is currently tied up in an open order.
Asset Trend
This table view provides a quick way to see how your assets have been performing over some common time intervals. If you have a sizable portfolio, this table will be a valuable time saver for analyzing the performance of all your assets.
Trade Profit
Profit Statistics
Displays basic trade metrics. Simply select the exchange and currency.
Profit Per Market
Creates a table view of your assets based on the market currency you select.
Trade Volume
Volume Statistics
Shows basic volume information about the exchange account selected.
Volume Chart
Shows a simple line graph of volume information, for the selected assets, in the selected exchange account.
Volume Table
A nice table view of asset volume information.
Trade Frequency
Frequency Statistics
Displays basic trade frequency information.
Frequency Chart
Shows a nice bar chart of trade frequency for the account selected.
Trades per Market
Displays how many trades were executed for each market on the selected exchange.
Trades Per month
Displays a table showing how many trades were executed per month.
Last updated