Price spread examples

Flash Crash Bot price spread examples

Fixed amount

The fixed amount spread type will assure the orders are placed with an fixed amount between each other. Make sure this value covers the fee costs twice.

Price = Base Price + (Spread * Order number)


The percentage spread will assure the orders are placed with an certain percentage between each other. Make sure this value covers twice the fee amount.

Price = Base Price + (Base Price * Spread * Order Number)

Percentage Boost

The percentage spread will assure the orders are placed with an x% and an exponential boost between each other. Make sure this value covers twice the fee amount.

Price = (Base Price + ((1 + Spread) ^ Order Number))  * (1 + Spread * (Boost ^ Order Number)


The exponential spread type will create a spread that will exponentially grow bigger with each order. It is advised to open the full-screen view while creating an exponential spread. The price spread chart is a great tool to visualize your spread.

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