Inter-Exchange Arbitrage Bot

Profit from the price difference between multiple exchanges

How does it work

The Inter-exchange Arbitrage bot buys low on one exchange and sells high on the other. This bot does not re-balance the wallet. Eventually, the wallet needs manual re-balancing for the bot to continue. Only use this with small trade amounts. Please ensure you fully understand the concept of this bot before using it.

The HaasOnline Trade Server is not able to manage deposits or withdrawals. In order to realize profits, manual rebalancing between the exchanges is needed.

User will need accounts on both exchanges.

Coin pair must be present on both exchanges.

Guided Tour

Inter Exchange Arbitrage Bot


The Inter-Exchange Arbitrage Bot will monitor the prices on the 2 selected markets. When it has the opportunity to sell high on one and buy lower on the other it will execute 2 orders at the same time. On buy and one sell.

Supported licence & Trade types

Supported Licence

Supported Trade Types

Spot trading

Advanced licence


First Account

Select the account on which the bot should run.

First Market

Select which market this bot should run on.

Second Account

Select the second account on which the bot should run.

Second Market

Select the second which market this bot should run on.

Max Trade Amount

Maximum amount this bot is allowed to trade cumulative.

Max Number Of Trades Per Day

Maximum number of trades the bot is permitted to execute each day cumulative.

Price Market 1

Current mid-market price on the designated exchange.

Price Market 2

Current mid-market price on the designated exchange.

Trade Amount

The allocated amount for the bot to use.

Trigger Level

The minimum percentage between the buy price on one exchange and sell price on the second exchange. Not necessarily required to be higher than the fees charged by both exchanges.

Last updated