Migrating Your HTS

Shutting Down Your HTS Platform


  • Click on the close (X) icon on your HTS.exe console


  • Run the following command in Terminal

killall mono


  • Run either of the following commands in Terminal

sudo kill all mono


kill $(ps ax | grep mono | fgrep -v grep | awk '{ print $1 }')

Steps To Migrate Your HTS

Be sure to shut down your original installation before starting up the one on the new machine.

HTS is an installation that runs on your local machine or a Virtual Private Server (VPS) that you have access to.

At the start of your subscription with us, you might have installed HTS on your home PC before migrating to a VPS.

Here are some steps you can follow to make sure that your settings and bots are available on the new machine.

  • Shut down your original installation before starting this process.

  • Navigate to the folder

    • Windows C:\Users\<YourUserID>\My Documents\HTS or C:\Users\<YourUserID>\Documents\HTS

    • MacOS ~/Library/Application Support/HTS/

    • Linux /root/HTS

  • Zip the above-mentioned folder

  • Copy it to the new machine in a similar directory

  • Un-zip the file in the parent directory:

    • Windows C:\Users\<YourUserID>\My Documents or C:\Users\<YourUserID>\Documents

    • MacOS ~/Library/Application Support/

    • Linux /root/

Be sure to shut down your original installation before starting up the one on the new machine.

  • Edit the <HostingAdres> and <LocalAPIAdres> (if needed) in MainSettings.XML if you are going to use the IP of the new machine

  • Execute or install HTS and login with your existing credentials


Q: I'm having trouble launching HTS on my new machine. What can I do?

A: Make sure to shutdown/turn off the original installation before the migration.

Last updated