Stable Update

Here you will find instructions on how to update to the latest Stable version of HTS.

macOS Update Instructions

  • Shutdown HaasOnline Trade Server (HTS)

    • Open Terminal

    • Enter the following command:

      killall mono
  • Launch HTS (located in /Applications/ and it will download the latest version.

  • To verify the update, check if the listed version now includes "Release" for example Haasonline Trade Server v3.X.XX.0 RELEASE at the top of your landing page and at the bottom right of your page.

Linux Update Instructions

Manual Method

Works even if you are unable to login.

  • Open your Terminal

  • Shutdown HaasOnline Trade Server (HTS)

    • Enter the following command:

      sudo killall mono


    • Enter the following command:

      kill $(ps ax | grep mono | fgrep -v grep | awk '{ print $1 }')
  • Navigate to the installation folder /opt/haas or where you have installed it

    • Enter the following command:

      cd /opt/haas
  • Execute the script

    • Enter the following command:

      sudo ./
  • Launch HTS and login

    • Enter the following command:

      sudo ./
  • To verify the update, check if the listed version now includes "Release" for example Haasonline Trade Server v3.X.XX.0 RELEASE at the top of your landing page and at the bottom right of your page.

Windows Update Instructions

  • Logout of HaasOnline Trade Server (HTS)

  • Completely shutdown HTS

  • Navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\Haasonline Software\Haasonline Trade Server\Updater

  • Execute Updater.exe (Right click ‘Run as Administrator’)

  • Once the download has completed launch HTS and login

  • To verify the update, check if the listed version now includes "Release" for example Haasonline Trade Server v3.X.XX.0 RELEASE at the top of your landing page and at the bottom right of your page.

Last updated