Balance of Power (BOP)
Balance of Power (BOP) indicator measures the ability of bulls and bears to push the market to extremes. This indicator generates sell trade signals when the oscillator goes below 0 and buy trade signals when the oscillator goes above 0.
Tip: Use during sideways markets or to confirm trends with reversed signals.
Supported license & Trade types
Supported License | Supported Trade Types |
Spot trading | |
Simple license | Margin trading |
Advanced license | Leverage trading |
General Settings
Exchange Website to monitor
Currency Pair to monitor for trade signals
Update Speed
Trade Signals
Tip: The exchange doesn't have to be the same exchange you are currently trading on.
Indicator Settings
Length of the smoothing SMA
Buy Threshold
When the calculation result is equal or below this value, the indicator will generate a buy signal.
Sell Threshold
When the calculation result is equal or above this value, the indicator will generate a sell signal.
Users can use this indicator with another indicator for stronger trade signals.
Last updated