Bollinger Bands %B
Bollinger Bands %B or Percentage Bandwidth is an alternative implementation of the Bollinger Bands indicator. As with Bollinger Bands, this is a volatility indicator where the middle band is typically a 20 data point Simple Moving Average and the upper and lower bands generally have a deviation of 2. This indicator is unique and will provide different trade signals than Bollinger Bands. Buy signals are generated when the value of the %B is greater than 1, while sell signals are generated when the value of %B is less than 0.
Tip: Use during sideways markets or to confirm trends with reversed signals.
Supported license & Trade types
Supported License | Supported Trade Types |
Beginner license | Spot trading |
Simple license | Margin trading |
Advanced license | Leverage trading |
General Settings
Exchange Website to monitor
Currency Pair to monitor for trade signals
Update Speed
Trade Signals
Tip: The exchange doesn't have to be the same exchange you are currently trading on.
Indicator Settings
Number of candles (or time periods) before an action is taken.
Dev Up
Standard deviation above the middle band.
Dev Down
Standard deviation below the middle band.
It is recommended to use this indicator during sideways markets to catch the dips and rises.
Last updated