
HaasOnline TradeServer Enterprise is on-premise automated trading software that is currently designed to run on Windows, Linux, and macOS 24/7.

In order to run TradeServer Enterprise be sure to check the technical specifications of the machine that you intend to install our software on. TradeServer Enterprise does not require many resources by itself, but it has to be able to handle the price updates quickly, so it's important to at least have a 64-bit quad-core machine.

32-Bit systems are no longer supported.


Minimum hardware specifications are:

  • Quad-core processor (2.0 GHz and up, 64-Bits)

  • 4 GB memory and up

  • Stable wired internet connection (minimum 5mbit download)

Required software on Microsoft Windows

Supported releases of Microsoft Windows

  • Windows 7 and newer (64-bit only)

  • Windows Server 2012 R2 and newer (64-bit only)

Last updated