

Calculates an absolute/positive number.

Syntax: Abs(input)

Returns an absolute/positive number.

Return type: NumberOrTable


Calculates the angle whose cosine is the specified number.

Syntax: Acos(input)

Returns the angle whose cosine is the specified number.

Return type: NumberOrTable


Adds numbers/tables and returns the result number/table.

Syntax: Add(input1, [ input2 ])

Returns the total sum of a single value is provide, adds the 2 values if there are 2 provided.

Return type: NumberOrTable


Add a percentage to the value.

Syntax: AddPerc(value, percentage)

Returns the value with the added percentage.

Return type: ListNumbers


Add a percentage to the value.

Syntax: AddPercentage(value, percentage)

Returns the value with the added percentage.

Return type: ListNumbers


Calculates the angle whose sine is the specified number.

Syntax: Asin(input)

Returns the angle whose sine is the specified number.

Return type: NumberOrTable


Calculates the angle whose tangent is the specified number.

Syntax: Atan(input)

Returns the angle whose tangent is the specified number.

Return type: NumberOrTable


Calculates the angle whose tangent is the quotient of two specified numbers.

Syntax: Atan2(input1, input2)

Returns the angle whose tangent is the quotient of two specified numbers.

Return type: NumberOrTable


Calculates the average value of the array, two numbers or averages between 2 arrays.

Syntax: Average(input1, [ input2 ])

Returns the average value of the array, two numbers or averages between 2 arrays.

Return type: NumberOrTable


Calculates the average value of the array for a certain period.

Syntax: Average2(input, [ period ])

Returns the average value of the array for a certain period.

Return type: NumberOrTable


Calculates the smallest integral value greater than or equal to the specified number.

Syntax: Ceil(input)

Returns the smallest integral value greater than or equal to the specified number.

Return type: NumberOrTable


Calculates the absolute price changes between the values.

Syntax: Change(prices)

Returns the new-old change of the values in an array.

Return type: ListNumbers


Calculates the number or table of numbers clamped between the specified minimum and maximum.

Syntax: Clamp(input, min, max)

Returns number or table of numbers clamped between the specified minimum and maximum.

Return type: NumberOrTable


Calculates the average values of every 2 values in an array. When the input is [10, 20, 30, 40] the result will be [15, 35].

Syntax: Compress(input)

Returns the compressed array.

Return type: ListNumbers


Calculates the cosine of the specified angle.

Syntax: Cos(input)

Returns the cosine of the specified angle.

Return type: NumberOrTable


Calculates the hyperbolic cosine of the specified angle.

Syntax: Cosh(input)

Returns the hyperbolic cosine of the specified angle.

Return type: NumberOrTable


Calculates the percentage between input1 and input2 or the percentage change between the values of input1.

Syntax: Delta(input1, [ input2 ])

Returns the percentage between input1 and input2. When for example input1 is 5 and input2 is 6, 20 is returned.

Return type: NumberOrTable


Divides input1 with input2. If one of the parameters is a single value, the other is divided by this.

Syntax: Div(input1, input2)

Returns the divided numbers/tables.

Return type: NumberOrTable


Enumeration, returns 1 Satoshi (=Epsilon).

Syntax: Epsilon()

Returns 1 Satoshi (=Epsilon).

Return type: Number


Calculates 'e' raised to the specified power.

Syntax: Exp(input)

Returns 'e' raised to the specified power.

Return type: NumberOrTable


Filters out all values above a specific value.

Syntax: FilterAbove(input, threshold)

Returns the filtered input.

Return type: ListNumbers


Filters out all values below a specific value.

Syntax: FilterBelow(input, threshold)

Returns the filtered input.

Return type: ListNumbers


Calculates the largest integral value less than or equal to the specified number.

Syntax: Floor(input)

Returns the largest integral value less than or equal to the specified number.

Return type: NumberOrTable


Gets the highest value.

Syntax: GetHigh(prices, depth, [ offset ])

Returns the highest value.

Return type: Number


Gets the highest values within lookback period.

Syntax: GetHighs(array, depth)

Returns the highest values within lookback period.

Return type: ListNumbers


Gets the lowest value.

Syntax: GetLow(prices, depth, [ offset ])

Returns the lowest value.

Return type: Number


Gets the lowest values within lookback period.

Syntax: GetLows(array, depth)

Returns the lowest values within lookback period.

Return type: ListNumbers


Calculates the logarithm of a specified number.

Syntax: Ln(input1, [ input2 ])

Returns the logarithm of a specified number.

Return type: NumberOrTable


Calculates the base 10 logarithm of a specified number.

Syntax: Log10(input)

Returns the base 10 logarithm of a specified number.

Return type: NumberOrTable


Returns the maximum value. If the input is a single array, it returns the biggest number in that array (single value). If inputs are both numbers, it returns the biggest number (single value). If inputs are array and number, it returns the biggest number (array[1] vs number, single value). If inputs are both arrays, it returns an array of the biggest numbers per cell (array, length determined by the shorter array).

Syntax: Max(values[])

Returns the biggest number or an array of biggest numbers per cell.

Return type: NumberOrTable


Returns the minimum value. If the input is a single array, it returns the minimum in that array (single value). If inputs are both numbers, it returns the smallest number (single value). If inputs are array and number, it returns the smallest number (single value). If inputs are both arrays, it returns an array of the smallest numbers per cell (array, length determined by shortest array)

Syntax: Min(values[])

Returns the smallest number or an array of smallest numbers per cell.

Return type: NumberOrTable


Multiplies input1 with input2. If one of the parameters is a single value, the other is multiplied by this.

Syntax: Mul(input1, input2)

Returns the multiplied numbers/tables.

Return type: NumberOrTable


Multiplies input1 with input2. If one of the parameters is a single value, the other is multiplied by this.

Syntax: Mult(input1, input2)

Returns the multiplied numbers/tables.

Return type: NumberOrTable


Enumeration, returns the maximum number.

Syntax: NumberMax()

Returns a maximum value (2147483647).

Return type: Number


Enumeration, returns the minimum number.

Syntax: NumberMin()

Returns a minimum value (-2147483648).

Return type: Number


Calculates the percentage between input1 and input2 or the percentage change between the values of input1.

Syntax: PercentageChange(input1, [ input2 ])

Returns the percentage between input1 and input2. When for example input1 is 5 and input2 is 6, 20 is returned.

Return type: NumberOrTable


Enumeration, returns the number of PI.

Syntax: PI()

Returns PI (3.14159265359).

Return type: Number


Calculates a specified number/table raised to the specified power number/table.

Syntax: Pow(input1, input2)

Returns a specified number/table raised to the specified power number/table.

Return type: NumberOrTable


Creates a random number.

Syntax: Random([ min ], [ max ])

Returns a random number.

Return type: Number


Replaces any value above a specific value with another value.

Syntax: ReplaceAbove(input, threshold, newValue)

Returns the input with replaced values.

Return type: ListNumbers


Replaces any value below a specific value with another value.

Syntax: ReplaceBelow(input, threshold, newValue)

Returns the input with replaced values.

Return type: ListNumbers


Rounds a value (or values if table) to the nearest integer or to the specified number of fractional digits.

Syntax: Round(input, digits)

Returns the rounded number.

Return type: NumberOrTable


Enumeration, returns 1 Satoshi (=Epsilon).

Syntax: Satoshi()

Returns 1 Satoshi (=Epsilon).

Return type: Number


Calculates the Standard Deviation from the data series.

Syntax: Sd(input)

Returns the Standard Deviation.

Return type: Number


Calculates an integer that indicates the sign of a number.

Syntax: Sign(input)

Returns an integer that indicates the sign of a number.

Return type: NumberOrTable


Calculates the sine of the specified angle.

Syntax: Sin(input)

Returns the sine of the specified angle.

Return type: NumberOrTable


Calculates the hyperbolic sine of the specified angle.

Syntax: Sinh(input)

Returns the hyperbolic sine of the specified angle.

Return type: NumberOrTable


Calculates the square root of a specified number.

Syntax: Sqrt(input)

Returns the square root of a specified number.

Return type: NumberOrTable


Subtracts numbers/tables and returns the result number/table.

Syntax: Sub(input1, input2)

Calculates the subtracted numbers/tables.

Return type: NumberOrTable


Subtracts a percentage to the value.

Syntax: SubPerc(value, percentage)

Returns the value with the subtracted percentage.

Return type: ListNumbers


Subtracts a percentage to the value.

Syntax: SubPercentage(value, percentage)

Returns the value with the subtracted percentage.

Return type: ListNumbers


Adds numbers/tables and returns the result number/table.

Syntax: Sum(input1, [ input2 ])

Returns the total sum of a single value is provide, adds the 2 values if there are 2 provided.

Return type: NumberOrTable


Calculates the tangent of the specified angle.

Syntax: Tan(input)

Returns the tangent of the specified angle.

Return type: NumberOrTable


Calculates the hyperbolic tangent of the specified angle.

Syntax: Tanh(input)

Returns the hyperbolic tangent of the specified angle.

Return type: NumberOrTable


Truncates a value (or values if table) to the nearest integer or to the specified number of fractional digits.

Syntax: Truncate(input, digits)

Returns the truncated number.

Return type: NumberOrTable

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