Input fields
Creates a script input field. The type is depending on the default value. It can be a number, text or boolean (checkbox) field. Without default value, it will be a text field.
Syntax: Input(label, [ defaultValue ], [ tooltip ], [ group ])
Returns the input value.
Return type: Dynamic
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Required | Suggestions |
label | String | True | |
defaultValue | Dynamic | False | Number,Text,True,False |
tooltip | String | False | Text |
group | String | False | Text |
Creates an account selection field.
Syntax: InputAccount(label, [ tooltip ], [ group ])
Return the selected account guid.
Return type: String
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Required | Suggestions |
label | String | True | |
tooltip | String | False | Text |
group | String | False | Text |
Creates an account, market & leverage dropdown.
Syntax: InputAccountMarket(label, [ tooltip ], [ group ])
Returns a combined string. For example 9c9aaf1f-469b-4eea-bca3-df61db37c549_BITFINEX_BTC_USD_.
Return type: String
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Required | Suggestions |
label | String | True | |
tooltip | String | False | Text |
group | String | False | Text |
Creates a button in the input field. When press in the UI, the bot will receive the action and execute the callback defined in the parameters.
Syntax: InputButton(label, callback, [ tooltip ], [ group ])
Return type: Void
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Required | Suggestions |
label | String | True | |
callback | Function | True | |
tooltip | String | False | Text |
group | String | False | Text |
Creates a dropdown with available Candlestick Pattern (CDL) types. Can be used in combination with CDL().
Syntax: InputCdlTypes(label, defaultValue, [ tooltip ], [ group ])
Returns the selected CDL type as enum. For example ThreeCrowsType.
Return type: Enum
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Required | Suggestions |
label | String | True | |
defaultValue | Enum | True | TwoCrowsType,ThreeBlackCrowsType,ThreeInsideType,ThreeLineStrikeType,ThreeOutsideType,ThreeStarsInSouthType,ThreeWhiteSoldiersType,AdvanceBlockType,BeltHoldType,BreakawayType,ClosingMarubozuType,ConcealBabysWallType,CounterAttackType,DojiType,DojiStarType,DragonflyDojiType,EngulfingType,GapSideSideWhiteType,GravestoneDojiType,HammerType,HangingManType,HaramiType,HaramiCrossType,HignWaveType,HikkakeType,HikkakeModType,HomingPigeonType,IdenticalThreeCrowsType,InNeckType,InvertedHammerType,KickingType,KickingByLengthType,LadderBottomType,LongLeggedDojiType,LongLineType,MarubozuType,MatchingLowType,OnNeckType,PiercingType,RickshawManType,RiseFallThreeMethodsType,SeparatingLinesType,ShootingStarType,ShortLineType,SpinningTopType,StalledPatternType,StickSandwichType,TakuriType,TasukiGapType,ThrustingType,TristarType,UniqueThreeRiverType,UpsideGapTwoCrowsType,XSideGapThreeMethodsType,AbandonedBabyType,DarkCloudCoverType,MatHoldType,MorningDojiStarType,MorningStarType,EveningDojiStarType,EveningStarType |
tooltip | String | False | Text |
group | String | False | Text |
Creates a dropdown with available constant in the category of the defaultValue. If for example SignalLong is set as default, all the signal constants will be available in the dropdown.
Syntax: InputConstant(label, defaultValue, [ tooltip ], [ group ])
Returns the selected constant type as constant.
Return type: Enum
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Required | Suggestions |
label | String | True | |
defaultValue | Enum | True | SmaType,EmaType,WmaType,DemaType,TemaType,TrimaType,KamaType,MamaType,T3Type |
tooltip | String | False | Text |
group | String | False | Text |
Creates a group header, separating input sets.
Syntax: InputGroupHeader(label)
Return type: Void
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Required | Suggestions |
label | String | True |
Creates an interval dropdown.
Syntax: InputInterval(label, [ defaultValue ], [ tooltip ], [ group ])
Returns the selected interval in minutes.
Return type: Number
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Required | Suggestions |
label | String | True | |
defaultValue | Number | False | Number |
tooltip | String | False | Text |
group | String | False | Text |
Creates a dropdown with the available LR types.
Syntax: InputLrTypes(label, [ defaultValue ], [ tooltip ], [ group ])
Returns the selected LR type as enum.
Return type: Enum
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Required | Suggestions |
label | String | True | |
defaultValue | Enum | False | LR_Default,LR_Angle,LR_Slope,LR_Intercept |
tooltip | String | False | Text |
group | String | False | Text |
Creates a market dropdown. The market options are related to the main account selection.
Syntax: InputMarket(label, [ defaultValue ], [ tooltip ], [ group ])
Returns the selected market. For example BITMEX_XBT_USD_XBTUSD.
Return type: String
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Required | Suggestions |
label | String | True | |
defaultValue | String | False | Text |
tooltip | String | False | Text |
group | String | False | Text |
Creates a dropdown with available MA types. Can be used in combination with a variety of technical indicators like BBANDS() or PPO().
Syntax: InputMaTypes(label, defaultValue, [ tooltip ], [ group ])
Returns the selected ma type as constant.
Return type: Enum
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Required | Suggestions |
label | String | True | |
defaultValue | Enum | True | SmaType,EmaType,WmaType,DemaType,TemaType,TrimaType,KamaType,MamaType,T3Type |
tooltip | String | False | Text |
group | String | False | Text |
Creates a dropdown with custom options.
Syntax: InputOptions(label, defaultValue, options, [ tooltip ], [ group ])
Returns the selected value as string.
Return type: String
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Required | Suggestions |
label | String | True | |
defaultValue | String | True | |
options | Dynamic | True | |
tooltip | String | False | Text |
group | String | False | Text |
Creates a dropdown with the default available order types.
Syntax: InputOrderType(label, [ defaultValue ], [ tooltip ], [ group ])
Returns the selected order type as enum.
Return type: Enum
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Required | Suggestions |
label | String | True | |
defaultValue | Enum | False | LimitOrderType,MarketOrderType,NoTimeOutOrderType |
tooltip | String | False | Text |
group | String | False | Text |
Creates a price source dropdown.
Syntax: InputPriceSource(label, [ defaultValue ], [ tooltip ], [ group ])
Returns the selected price source as string. For example BITSTAMP.
Return type: String
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Required | Suggestions |
label | String | True | |
defaultValue | String | False | Text |
tooltip | String | False | Text |
group | String | False | Text |
Creates a price source & market dropdown.
Syntax: InputPriceSourceMarket(label, [ defaultValue ], [ type ], [ tooltip ], [ group ])
Returns the selected market as string. For example BITSTAMP_BTC_USD_.
Return type: String
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Required | Suggestions |
label | String | True | |
defaultValue | String | False | Text |
type | Enum | False | SpotTrading,MarginTrading,LeverageTrading |
tooltip | String | False | Text |
group | String | False | Text |
Creates multiple dropdown options for signal management and mapping.
Syntax: InputSignalManagement(label, signal, [ tooltip ], [ group ])
Returns the baked signal based on settings.
Return type: Enum
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Required | Suggestions |
label | String | True | |
signal | Enum | True | InputSignalTypes,IndicatorSignalCross,IndicatorCenterCross,SignalCenterCross,BothCenterCross,IndicatorThreshold,SignalThreshold,BothThreshold |
tooltip | String | False | Text |
group | String | False | Text |
Creates a dropdown with available Signal Types. Can be used in combination with GetSuperSignal().
Syntax: InputSignalTypes(label, defaultValue, [ tooltip ], [ group ])
Returns the selected signal type enum.
Return type: Enum
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Required | Suggestions |
label | String | True | |
defaultValue | Enum | True | InputSignalTypes,IndicatorSignalCross,IndicatorCenterCross,SignalCenterCross,BothCenterCross,IndicatorThreshold,SignalThreshold,BothThreshold |
tooltip | String | False | Text |
group | String | False | Text |
Creates a dropdown with available Source Price types. Can be used in combination with SourcePrices().
Syntax: InputSourcePrice(label, defaultValue, [ tooltip ], [ group ])
Returns the selected source type as constant.
Return type: Enum
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Required | Suggestions |
label | String | True | |
defaultValue | Enum | True | ClosePriceSourceType,OpenPriceSourceType,HighPriceSourceType,LowPriceSourceType,HLPriceSourceType,HLCPriceSourceType,OHLCPriceSourceType,VolumeSourceType |
tooltip | String | False | Text |
group | String | False | Text |
Creates a dynamic input table.
Syntax: InputTable(options, columns)
Returns the tables values per row. [[1,2,3,4], [5,6,7,8], [9,0,1,2]].
Return type: Dynamic
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Required | Suggestions |
options | Dynamic | True | |
columns | DynamicParams | True |
Creates an table column options object for InputTable()
Syntax: InputTableColumn(name, [ values[] ])
Returns the options objects.
Return type: Dynamic
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Required | Suggestions |
name | String | True | |
values[] | DynamicParams | False |
Creates an options object for InputTable().
Syntax: InputTableOptions([ title ], [ rows ], [ maxRows ], [ group ])
Returns the options objects.
Return type: Dynamic
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Required | Suggestions |
title | String | False | |
rows | Number | False | |
maxRows | Number | False | |
group | String | False |
Last updated