Scripted bot building

Creating your first scripted bot

In this small tutorial, we are going to show you have you can create a very basic scripted bot.

Step 1: Creating a scripted bot

To create a scripted bot, you need to go to the left menu and select the "Web-editor". Once selected a new page will show up. On top of this page you will find a toolbar, click on the most left icon which display icon to create a new script. If all goes well then you will get a windows on your screen, asking you whats sort of script you like to create. Select script and give the script a name.

Step 2: Scripting the bot

In this case, we are going to make a scripted RSI bot.

Lets think wat we need to make a RSI bot...

First, we of course, need the RSI indicator. This RSI indicator needs to be setup with 2 variables. The prices and the period. You can use the ClosePrices() command to get the close prices and we can give this to the RSI. As for the period, lets create a input field for this using the Input() command.

We want to see the RSI, so we need to plot to the chart. This can be done using the Plot() command. The Plot commands asks us to give it a chart index, a line name, the data, and optionally the color.

And, we need some trade logic. This can be created by some simple if..else statements where the managed trading commands DoBuy() and DoSell() get used.

TIP: When scripting, pay attention to the intelli-text, which will show when typing.

If we convert this to a haasscript then we get;

-- Inputfields
local period = Input('Period', 14)
local buyLevel = Input('Buy level', 30)
local sellLevel = Input('Sell level', 70)

-- Getting required data
local cp = ClosePrices()

-- Calculations
local rsi = RSI(cp, period)

-- Plotting
Plot(1, 'RSI', rsi, SkyBlue)

-- Trading logic
if rsi > sellLevel then

if rsi < buyLevel then

This example is enough to get a simple scripted RSI bot running.

Adding insurances

Just like in trade-bots, you can script your own insurances too.

For example, suppose we want to add a way to "never sell cheaper then we have bought". Well, that would result in a script like this:

-- Inputfields
local period = Input('Period', 14)
local buyLevel = Input('Buy level', 30)
local sellLevel = Input('Sell level', 70)

-- Getting required data
local cp = ClosePrices()
local lastBuyPrice = LastLongPrice() -- On spot this returns the last buying price
local priceNow = CurrentPrice().close

-- Calculations
local rsi = RSI(cp, period)

-- Plotting
Plot(1, 'RSI', rsi, SkyBlue)

-- Trading logic
if rsi > sellLevel then
  if priceNow > lastBuyPrice then -- This makes sure we never sell cheaper then we bought

if rsi < buyLevel then

Adding safeties

Again, just like in trade-bots, you can script your own safeties too.

For example, suppose we want to add a basic stop-loss. Well, that would result in a script like this:

-- Inputfields
period = Input('Period', 14)
buyLevel = Input('Buy level', 30)
sellLevel = Input('Sell level', 70)
stopLoss = Input('Stoploss', 5)

-- Getting required data
local cp = ClosePrices()
local profitsNow = GetCurrentROI()

-- Calculations
rsi = RSI(cp, period)

-- Plotting
Plot(1, 'RSI', rsi, SkyBlue)

-- Trading logic
if rsi > sellLevel then

if profitsNow < -stopLoss then -- The stop-loss
  if rsi < buyLevel then

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